Billy Bee
Billy Bee is a series of five children's books by Peter Thomas published by Billy Bee Productions in Nashua, New Hampshire in 1995. The company later moved to Billerica, Massachusetts, but then back to New Hampshire. Early books were illustrated by Wayne J. Lamarre, but later books were illustrated by John Mahomet. The characters attend Beeside Elementary School.
- Billy Bee
- Jolly Jillie
- Billy's Dad & Mom
- Doug the Dragonfly
- Tweety Tick
- Andy Ant
- Cally Caterpillar
- Harry Hornet
- Crissy Cricket
- Timmy Termite
- Boris Beetle
- Lola Lightning Bug
- Frieda Flea
- Mike Mosquito
- Wanda Worm
- Linda Ladybug
- Molly Moth
- Cecil Centipede
- Sandi Snail
- Betty Butterfly
- Winning
- Billy and His Friends (later published as Friends Like These)
- Colors of Love
- Callie's Wish
- Treasures